Advocating For Your Sensitive Kid In Public


As the parent of a highly sensitive child (HSC), you've likely faced the uncomfortable situation of your child having a public meltdown or shutdown… or have the fear that this might happen soon… 


Maybe it was at a family gathering, the grocery store, or school pickup. 


Wherever it happened, all eyes were on you and your child.


In that moment, you had a choice:


Advocate for your child's needs and emotional reality, even if it means an awkward conversation…


Or stay quiet to avoid judgment or unsolicited parenting advice from others.


I get it. 


It's tempting to brush it off and not make a scene. 


You don't have the energy to explain your child's sensitivity to every onlooker… and in some situations that could do more harm than good.


But here's why it's crucial to learn how to speak up for your child, every time:


Your HSC is watching to see if you have their back. 


When you don't acknowledge their struggle, they internalize the message that their big feelings are shameful or "too much."


Others miss the opportunity to learn about your child's unique needs. 


They may assume "bad parenting" or "bad behavior" if you don't educate them.


You rob yourself of the chance to request or establish helpful accommodations to make life easier for your sensitive child (and you!)


Most importantly, you model that it's not okay to stand up for yourself when you're hurting. 


I know that’s not the message you want to send.

I know it takes courage to advocate for a misunderstood child.

And… you are your HSC's greatest ally and coach.


Next time you're in one of these high-pressure moments, try this:


Take a breath and remind yourself, this is bigger than others' opinions.


Validate your child's emotions with empathy and without judgment. "I know this is hard for you. It's okay to feel overwhelmed right now."


Calmly and confidently explain to others, "My child is still learning to manage big feelings. I'm helping them through it. Thanks for understanding."


Later, affirm to your child that you're always in their corner, no matter what.


With practice, this will feel more natural. 


Your child will grow more secure, and you'll grow more resilient to any challenge.


This is just one piece of the HSC parenting puzzle, but it's a major one. 


If you're ready to dive deeper into eliminating the meltdown cycle for good, I invite you to book a call with my team.


We'll discuss your unique challenges and customize a plan to bring more calm and confidence to your family.


To grab one of the limited spots, simply click the link below:


Book Your Free Call Now


Your courage to show up for your child today is planting seeds of lifelong emotional resilience and self-advocacy. 


Never forget how powerful that is!

P.S. These slots fill up quickly, so don't wait to make a stand for your sensitive child's wellbeing. 

Click below to get on my calendar now: LINK


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