Teaching Sensitive Kids to avoid People Pleasing

Uncategorized Nov 13, 2024

Recently, I had a frustrating experience that really drove home for me the importance of integrity and human connection in both business and parenting.

I had purchased a text watch for my highly sensitive child from a well-known company. 

When I reached out with a question via email, I quickly realized I was communicating with a human who was using AI to simplify their responses.

The AI responses were contradictory and even chastising in tone as I tried to get a straight answer. 

I felt belittled and unheard, all while trying to advocate for my child's needs.

It took me back to a decision I made years ago, when a former mentor suggested I cut labor costs by replacing my master's level team with cheaper, less qualified staff.

I refused because I knew that the heart of my work was building trust with parents of highly sensitive kids. 

And that trust can only come through genuine human connection and deep expertise– and this is something we need to keep in mind as parents of sensitive kids.

Highly sensitive children have a strong moral compass. 

They value integrity above all else. 

But this can also make them vulnerable to people-pleasing, as they try to be "good" at all costs.

As parents, we have to model how to stand firm in our values, even when it's hard. 

Even when the world tells us to cut corners or sacrifice quality for profit, or to sacrifice their own needs for the opinion of a friend.

Watch this week’s podcast episode to learn how I broke down this skill for a parent recently.

By showing our sensitive kids that we can advocate for ourselves and others with both firmness and compassion, we help them develop the resilience to stay true to themselves in a world that doesn't always make it easy.

If you're struggling to help your sensitive child navigate big feelings and tricky social situations without losing themselves in the process, I can help.

Register for my free masterclass and learn more about how my team of experts can help you raise a sensitive child who is as strong in their kindness as they are in their convictions.


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