Don’t Parent Alone


I want to share a powerful story about one of our clients, a mom of two boys one of which was struggling with 2-3 meltdowns per day.


She confided in us that she had been suffering in silence for months, too embarrassed to reach out for help because the meltdowns only happened at home.


She thought since her kids held it together in public, it meant they were doing better than if they melted down in front of others.


But here's the truth: Meltdowns are meltdowns, regardless of where they happen. And parental isolation due to shame is a hidden symptom of the meltdown cycle.


In her case, there were carpool arguments clouding friendships that she chalked up to her boys just needing better social skills… not realizing the two issues were connected.


But once she stopped walking on eggshells and started requiring her children to manage their emotions with the tools we taught her, everything changed.


He went from multiple meltdowns per day to ZERO. And they've kept that up for 4 weeks straight!


Now, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Her son got upset recently and yelled.


But mom said she wouldn't even call it a meltdown compared to before. And given the stats, to go from 84 meltdowns per month to 1 yelling moment in 4 weeks?


Mom is crushing this parenting thing and finally feeling empowered again.


The coolest part? 


She was referred to us by a friend whom we helped a year ago.


Moral of the story: It's imperative to share with your friends that you're struggling. 


We're all in this together.


I'll give you a personal example. 


A few weeks ago, I got to enjoy a beautifully transformative weekend at a women's conference...


All because I told a friend I love being in settings that support my own personal development.


Without knowing anything else about it, I suddenly found myself in a room with 40,000 women all doing deep emotional work.


The power of community is palpable. 


This is exactly why our done-with-you program has a group coaching component. 


You don't have to struggle alone, and you can learn from others’ transformations when you’re in the right room– one focused on growth beyond the meltdowns, rather than just avoiding worst case scenarios.


If you're ready to uncover the other hidden mistakes that keep parents stuck in the meltdown cycle, click the link below to access our free masterclass.


It's time to get your peaceful family life back. Let's do this together.


[Free Masterclass to End the Meltdown Cycle]


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