Ending Meltdowns When Siblings Get Involved

As a parent of a highly sensitive child (HSC), you know how overwhelming and intense their meltdowns can be. Not only for you, but for their siblings too.


It's a common struggle I hear from parents in your shoes:


You're trying to console your HSC and help them through the meltdown, but their siblings keep intervening - either trying to "fix it", giving in to demands, or getting upset themselves.


You want to remove your HSC to a calmer environment, but worry about leaving the other kids alone or making your sensitive child feel isolated and ashamed.


You attempt to set boundaries with the siblings, but in the heat of the moment it's hard to be firm and consistent.


You love all your children and want to be fair, but your HSC's big reactions take up so much bandwidth, the other kids' needs often get backseat.


Here's the truth - trying to juggle everyone's feelings and reactions in the midst of a meltdown is an impossible task. It's not your fault these situations feel unmanageable.


But there is a way to honor your HSC's emotions, without sacrificing your other children's wellbeing. It starts with a plan.


You can learn more about what works on this week’s show here: 


You may think removing your child from the situation is the best way to fix this, and I agree that if you need to keep your kids separated to reach either of them, it is one way to divide and conquer.


I also think it’s insufficient.

Especially if you can’t get your kid to move without picking them up.


I don’t advise controlling your child’s body in these moments– it conveys to your child that they’re not in charge of themselves.


You need to teach your child how to control their emotions playfully, in the moment, when they’re angry. 


This is a skill set that is possible even if your child usually screams and hits.

With a ready plan, you can be the confident leader your children need, even in the toughest moments. 


They'll learn that everyone's feelings matter and that you can handle any challenge as a family.


This is just a snapshot of the tools we teach in our program to eliminate meltdowns and bring more peace and connection to your home.


If you're ready for personalized support to put these strategies into action, I invite you to book a call with my team. We'll create a customized plan to meet your family's unique needs.


Simply click the link to find a time that works for you:


Book your free call now.


Balancing an HSC's intense emotions with sibling dynamics is no small feat. 


But with the right resources and guidance, you can absolutely create a home where every child feels seen, soothed, and secure.


You don't have to figure this out alone.


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