How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Parents


Last week, I attended a coaching event with my mastermind group and it became clear to me why many parents struggle with raising sensitive kids.


One business owner (also a mom) at the event was questioning if she belonged there because she was too focused on comparing her accomplishments to everyone else's online success. 


But I could see that she was very close to reaching her own goals.


I understand. 


As parents, we are constantly measuring ourselves against an unrealistic or unknown standard, whether it's another mom who seems to have everything figured out or just an unattainable ideal of perfection.


It's even more challenging when you are raising a sensitive child whose intense emotions can make you feel like you are failing. 


You see other kids who can "toughen up" and wonder why your child has meltdowns over seemingly small things.


The truth is, comparing yourself to others' seemingly perfect lives steals your joy.


This is why we teach our client how to set their own standards and measure their own successes based on their recent and overall challenges- 


–your goal achievement markers cannot be measured against someone else’s public behavior. 


Because we don’t know what is going on in their house to demonstrate that outward appearance, right? 


It’s the same in parenting- simply telling a sensitive kid to suppress their emotions so they behave “well” doesn't work - it sets them up to bottle up their feelings until they explode later.


There's a middle ground where you can validate their emotions while teaching them to be resilient. 


That's why I have put together a NEW masterclass to share the strategies that I and thousands of other parents have found effective.


You will learn how to assess “appropriate” behavior and break the cycle of meltdowns by adjusting your family's communication style. 


Your child will gain confidence to navigate through discomfort instead of shutting down. And you will finally break free from negative patterns and rediscover your voice and purpose as a parent.


Raising a sensitive kid is tough, but with the right tools, it's possible to help them thrive.


Join me and learn a fresh approach!


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