What to do when our kid gets kicked out of school?


It’s one of the top nightmares that a parent can experience.

Your kid gets kicked out of school. 

Now what?

Or maybe you’re just on edge 24/7, waiting for the day it happens.

Regardless of where you are, I don’t need to remind you that this is no way to live.

When you are in full on worry mode, you simply can’t be your best self.

Walking on eggshells around this problem doesn’t fix it either.

So let’s rewind. 

If your child struggles with the daily or weekly meltdowns,

This can manifest in many different ways.

Sometimes, meltdowns can move from tears to anger between blinks.

Your kid could go from screaming to hitting and kicking a matter for seconds.

And you usually don’t even know where this aggression is coming from.

If this is happening at school, it’s even scarier to manage.

It usually involves multiple school officials,

Time outs, getting your red card pulled, getting sent to the principal's office,

All things that feel humiliating for your kid…

And also, all things that don’t actually SOLVE the problem here.

Let’s get it straight.

Your kid is NOT a problem to be solved.

Watch the video to learn how to support your HSC in the school setting. 

Click the link below to book a call with my team:


For families with high school aged teens:



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