My 8 Month Parenting Regret

You use intuition all the time without realizing it.


Like when deciding if that plate of food looks appetizing.


Or knowing the coffee you're about to drink will be very hot.


But I see so many parents struggle to trust their intuition with their kids… mainly because they let fear override it.


Your gut tells you something is a good or bad decision.


Then the doubts start creeping in from others' opinions… or the need to be liked… or the need to create convenience… or low self esteem.. 


"Are you sure that's wise?" says your skeptical friend.


"My child would never behave that way," remarks your judgmental relative.


Before long, you've talked yourself out of your initial instinct.


But I'm here to tell you - trust that powerful parental intuition.


We’re all human– I teach this stuff, and still I learned this the hard way when I hired a bad electrician.


My gut warned me, I even fired him… but I ignored it and regretted it for 8 miserable months. (watch this week’s live to see how that turned out)


That regret cost me so much lost fun and memories with my kids.


If we want to maximize our time on this earth, instead of waiting for things to work itself out, we need to grab life by the horns and take a page out of hyper-successful people’s books. 


Wildly successful people seek guidance to back up their intuition.


To teach themselves how to think differently and therefore behave differently.


Oprah has a life coach to help with tough calls.


Mark Cuban constantly leans on business mentors.


Serena Williams obviously still needs a tennis coach pushing her.


From my work with hundreds of families, I've seen it proven:


Parents' intuition about their child is right 99% of the time.


You know your child wasn’t put on this earth to be miserable.


The parents who fully trust themselves are the ones who eliminate meltdowns.


These parents bring peace and calm instead of walking on eggshells… like my client Elizabeth and Seth who went from 14 meltdowns/week (4 kids, 2 melting down each day) to 1 a week, in 8 weeks. 


That’s a 93% reduction folks.


Success leaves clues: successful people get the right support to strengthen those powerful instincts.


So if you're doubting your gut, it's time to get some backup.


Let my team provide the expert guidance you need.


Book a call with us today and get ready to start trusting yourself.


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