Summer Sensory Overload (And How to End It)


If your kid could just handle the regular every day stuff your summer would be much more enjoyable, right?


Maybe it's the splashing sounds at the pool that suddenly overwhelm your child's senses.


Or the booming fireworks that terrify them despite your assurances it will be okay.


Heck, it could even be putting on sunscreen before a fun beach day that sets them off.


In the moment, you rack your brain trying to figure out how to "fix" the situation and talk them down. 


You beg, reason, reassure - anything to avoid the public meltdown.


Yet no matter what logical explanations you provide, the emotional storm still rages.


You can't understand why something so seemingly minor has triggered such an extreme response.


That's because you're facing a sensory sensitivity issue - and talking it through won't resolve the root cause.


The truth is, your child's nervous system is overloaded and trapped in fight-or-flight mode by these sensory triggers.


No amount of patient reasoning will override that hardwired emotional reaction when their brain has switched to survival mode.


It's an endless game of whack-a-mole, putting out one fire only to have another sensory issue ignite aggressive meltdowns immediately after.


I know you love your child immensely, but it's exhausting going from calm discussion to crisis mode at the drop of a hat, isn’t it? 


You deserve peace and so does your kid.


The unpredictability and severity of the meltdowns leave you drained, guilty, and desperate for a better way.


Here's the good news: you can fix this at the root.


When you learn strategies to prevent your child's nervous system from becoming overwhelmed in the first place, the yelling about splashing water, fireworks, sunscreen application, and sleepless nights become minor hurdles instead of emotional catastrophes.


Your home environment calms, and you become a team working together instead of opponents locked in endless meltdown battles.


My team has helped hundreds of families implement these nervous system resets and communication techniques.


Parents rave about finally reclaiming their peace of mind AND their child's emotional wellbeing.


It's time to get off the soul-crushing cycle of chasing constant meltdowns. 


Book a call with us today to learn a better way forward.


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