They Reduced Suicidal Thoughts by 90% In 8 Weeks


Here at MTC we understand that parenting can be one of the most rewarding, yet challenging experiences in life. 

When your child is struggling with mental health issues, it can be especially difficult and overwhelming. 

If you're reading this, you may be in a situation similar to what Rachel and Ash experienced with their HSC.

Their kiddo was suicidal, wishing to die, yelling, freezing up, and refusing to go to school. 

Rachel & Ash went to countless therapists and tried many approaches, but nothing seemed to work. 

They were at their wits end and didn't know what to do. 

They were worried about their child’s safety and well-being, and they were also struggling to manage the rest of their family and their own stress and emotions.

But there is hope, Rachel and Ash found our program.

After working with us and implementing our strategies of playful parenting, systematic shame-free feedback, and prioritizing calm in the routine, they were able to reduce their child’s suicidal thoughts by 90% in just 8 weeks!

It wasn't easy, and there were still struggles and challenges along the way. But with our support and guidance, Rachel and Ash were able to see real, lasting improvements in their child’s behavior and well-being. 

They learned how to better understand and support their child, and they also learned how to work together as a team and prioritize their child's needs. 

They experienced less stress and conflict in their home, and they were able to create a more harmonious and supportive environment for their whole family.

We know that every family is unique, and what worked for Rachel and Ash may not work for everyone. But we believe that our program can help families like yours. 

We have helped countless parents just like you to find solutions and strategies that work for their children, and we believe we can help you too.

If you're feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to help your child, we encourage you to give us a call. 

Our team is here to support you every step of the way. Book a call with our team to determine whether the services and resources we offer are a good fit to help you navigate this challenging journey and find the solutions that work best for your family.

Book a call with my team today:

For families with high school aged teens:



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