Is it hormones or is my kid Highly Sensitive?


As your child grows into a teenager, how do you really feel about it?

No shame here. We were all teenagers once, and it’s safe to say that NONE of us would go back in time to live through puberty again...

Be honest.

Are you holding your breath because you can’t imagine adding hormones on top of mood swings? Or adding their physical appearance on top of the list of preexisting worries?

And the peer pressure… learning how to be yourself and fit in at the same time…

When they already didn’t feel like they fit in…

Watch the video above as I knock out the phrase "It's just hormones, they'll grow out of it!"

Because it's not just hormones, and they won’t grow out of it. It's something else. 

For sensitive teens: 

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What To Do When Your HSC Has an Obsession


I am declaring war on your Sensitive child’s obsession, because you don’t feel like you can...

I understand why you don’t feel up to that battle. Playing the same song over and over again might stop the emotional eruption, right?

But there is more to your kid wearing the same stinky shoes with holes in the balls of the feet when they have BRAND new ones,

Or spending another family outing with their face buried in their screen...

It’s not about being obsessed.

Let’s break it down so you can create your own reality by changing this pattern at the root.

Tune in as I dissect the Do’s and Don’t in handling your sensitive child’s obsessions.

Book a call with my team:

For Sensitive Teens: 

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My Kid NEEDS their tablet. Am I a bad parent..?


Let’s get two things straight.

#1 You’re not a bad parent.

#2 Screen time is not a coping skill.


Using a screen to distract your thoughts does not shut your brain off. 

It puts your mind on pause.

There is a difference between regulated and checked out. Screens help you check out. 

Your child has a negative emotion, 

pulls out their screen to distract themselves from that feeling, 

stacks the emotional information they absorb from the screen PLUS the negative emotion, 

and the original negative emotion is NEVER dealt with…

...Only leading to Meltdown City. 

When you pull out the tablet, you’re telling your kid to distract themselves.

“Distract yourself from your tantrum because I can’t deal with it, and neither can you.”

I know you do NOT want to be that parent… that’s why you are here.

 Watch LIVE to learn how to handle screen time in your household.

Book a call with my team at ...

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Are you still blaming your sensitive kid for a lack of empathy?


Hitting, kicking, screaming, cursing, running away… Are you raising a sociopath?

“Don’t you notice that he’s hurt!” 

“See, you made him cry!” 

...Are phrases that create shame in your child and keep this cycle going. 

But how else do you get your HSC to notice the outcome of what they’re doing?

Ask yourself: Are you still blaming your sensitive kid for their lack of empathy?

When kids feel overstimulated, they SEE RED.

If your child is making UNSAFE choices when they see red, 

Hitting and acting like they are out of control in their own bodies, 


Once the meltdown hits, your kid is no longer in control of their body. This TERRIFIES them.

When their body is out of control, EVERYTHING is a threat.

They can't learn, think, and see outside of themselves.  

Watch the replay to learn more about why empathy is NOT the problem.

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Your stinky kid doesnā€™t want to shower. Now what?


You’ve talked to your sensitive kid or teen about why it’s important to bathe and you still have a stinky kid. What gives?

Your instinct as a parent is to tell your child WHY their body needs to stay clean. 

You've read advice like:

“Explain the consequences of not bathing!“

“Just tell them to suck it up!”  

Here’s the thing. It’s never logic that holds your kid back from taking action.

  1. Your HSC already knows why it’s important to bathe... and they know they stink.
  2. Most Highly Sensitive kids and teens are bright... they really do get it.

  3. There is more to your kid than disobeying this mandatory act of self care...

Because you’re not addressing the actual problem...

Watch the video to learn how to help your child get past their hygiene meltdown, and click the link to book a call with my team to end the meltdown cycle for good.

Parents of sensitive teens:


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5 Lessons Weā€™ve Learned from Saving over 200 Families from the Meltdown/Shutdown Cycle

We’ve met parents with HSCs that scream things like “You’d be better off without me,” or “I wish I was dead.”
Or they implode internally like an underwater volcano - silent, yet disruptive to their environment.
Somewhere between locking you out of their lives and refusing to let go of your hand.
Then there’s you...
...walking on eggshells.
Caught between two different parenting books.
Another cancelled playdate.
Frustration, guilt, resentment… then burn out.
The cycle is relentless.
You try to ask your friends how they stop the cycle, and each kid is different
And it's even tougher to stay consistent when you're a Highly Sensitive parent.
Seems impossible to achieve, but it can be incredibly simple.
Join me to hear the top 5 lessons we've learned, and why you MUST implement them.
To break the cycle for good, book a call with our team.
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How to Shake the "Something's WRONG" with my kid TRAP

When you fear time with your kid because you're walking on eggshells, avoiding daily meltdowns, shut downs or refusals, and your child or teen's BIG behaviors lead to you experiencing another symptom of the meltdown cycle: dread-- it's easy to jump into "diagnosing" the problem.
The problem with that is the 2 "labels" you actually need to break down the dread of your child's BIG emotions and BIG behaviors aren't ones that tell you or your child that they're broken, need to be "fixed" or set them up for negative stereotypes as they age.
The majority of sensitive kids and teens don't actually need a diagnosis or a label.
They fare MUCH better in childhood and adulthood when parents focus on these two factors in eliminating the daily meltdown or shut down cycle.
Join me as I cover what you should prioritize.
Book your call when you're ready to break out of the cycle with a proven plan & support system.
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Why Your Sensitive Kid Can't Handle Change.... and What to do About It


When your child freezes, freaks out or stalls when their routine or expectations aren’t met, it can go from 0-100 quickly.

Contrary to what you might believe, teaching your child to handle these surprising situations IN THE MOMENT perpetuates the problem.

Believe it or not, it’s not an effective strategy (for longterm change).

Tune in to learn how to break the cycle of your child’s intense reactions to change (using proven, research-backed methods)...

And to learn how your well-intentioned coping skills you're trying to teach your kid...are actually setting him up for more emotional struggle.


Book your call with our team if you’re tired of tip-toeing around your child or teen and want to build resilience for your sensitive child without making them ‘suck it up’ or coaching them to breathe into a paper bag for every little thing.

 Parents of children:

Parents of teens:

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3 main reasons why sensitive kids and teens arenā€™t sleeping


Contrary to what you may think... 

Your HSC's sleep issues are NOT just about vitamins, screens or diet.

As much as you try to limit screen time, sugar or food dyes...many of you are also hesitant to use a pill to support your child in falling asleep.

At any age, parents need to be aware of their sensitive child or teen’s emotional problems that may be the root of their sleep issues.

Altering diet, adding vitamins/medications and other ‘quick fix’ approaches are really just masking deeper causes...that require long term commitments.

Look, I get it, I avoid certain foods too.

Sunshine is good for the body, to process proper hormones to support sleep onset. That’s just it, however: ‘support.’

Because when you avoid helping your child learn how to process anxiety-provoking topics like the school day, friendships, and family relationships...

Then all the ‘tricks’ in the world aren’t going to help your sensitive kid settle...

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Myth Busting: Irritability is NOT part of the Highly Sensitive Trait!

I just got off the phone with two parents who explained their child’s behavior as
‘always on’…
…what I heard was that their child is like an electric eel.
Ready to shine her light beautifully, light up the room, but unfortunately, also ready to zap anyone who got in the way of her objective.
The hardest part of parenting a child like this, who is sensitive but smolders it with her FIERY passion, is the labels that come with being “that kid.”
Let’s dive in to learning how “irritability” is actually a sign of a lack of skill, and is not an innate quality of the Highly Sensitive personality trait.
Because once you know more about that, you’ll learn how to see that your child needs to learn more than you think they do at this age to break out of this pattern.
When you’re ready to bust through the meltdown cycle and help your child live their happiest life,...
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