What happens if the meltdowns NEVER stop?


I send you a lot of emails about why ending the meltdown cycle is key to creating a better life for your family.

But rarely do I talk about how it could lead to a successful future for your child.

That is what I want to talk about today.

If you’ve been following me for a while, 

you may have seen my video, What is your HSC’s potential?

If not, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/JcAKyhOFS0Q 


That’s where I discuss how the Highly Sensitive trait is a gift when you know how to use it.

Today let’s discuss what could happen if the meltdowns never stop.

Which sounds terrifying… because it is.

Tune in to hear how meltdowns play out for HSCs when they grow into adults… and potentially rob them of opportunities.



For Highly Sensitive Teens:


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Choosing Sports Over Meltdownsā€¦ the Wrong Thing to Do?


Changing from soccer to an individual sport doesn’t end the meltdown cycle.

If your kid is in a team sport,

And the hustle and bustle, along with the quick pivoting of many teammates is overwhelming…

It’s tempting for you to throw in the towel with that sport.

Try something new.

But you already did that… right?

Especially if your child has after game meltdowns.

Or worse, mid game aggression. 

Changing sports based on your child’s emotion is a short-sighted solution.

Watch to find out why.


For Highly Sensitive Teens:


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