What To Do When Your HSC Has an Obsession


I am declaring war on your Sensitive child’s obsession, because you don’t feel like you can...

I understand why you don’t feel up to that battle. Playing the same song over and over again might stop the emotional eruption, right?

But there is more to your kid wearing the same stinky shoes with holes in the balls of the feet when they have BRAND new ones,

Or spending another family outing with their face buried in their screen...

It’s not about being obsessed.

Let’s break it down so you can create your own reality by changing this pattern at the root.

Tune in as I dissect the Do’s and Don’t in handling your sensitive child’s obsessions.

Book a call with my team: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/talk

For Sensitive Teens: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/teentalk 

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My Kid NEEDS their tablet. Am I a bad parent..?


Let’s get two things straight.

#1 You’re not a bad parent.

#2 Screen time is not a coping skill.


Using a screen to distract your thoughts does not shut your brain off. 

It puts your mind on pause.

There is a difference between regulated and checked out. Screens help you check out. 

Your child has a negative emotion, 

pulls out their screen to distract themselves from that feeling, 

stacks the emotional information they absorb from the screen PLUS the negative emotion, 

and the original negative emotion is NEVER dealt with…

...Only leading to Meltdown City. 

When you pull out the tablet, you’re telling your kid to distract themselves.

“Distract yourself from your tantrum because I can’t deal with it, and neither can you.”

I know you do NOT want to be that parent… that’s why you are here.

 Watch LIVE to learn how to handle screen time in your household.

Book a call with my team at ...

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The REAL Reason Why Your Kid Wonโ€™t Let You Take a Vacation


You have plans to go on a romantic vacation with your spouse for the first time in years.


Your marriage needs this. 


When was the last time you REALLY connected, with zero distractions?


You try to get away… you’re at dinner, your phone rings… and it’s your kid. Again.


Immediate dread.


They are hysterical because Nana doesn’t know the password to the iPad.


This is the third time they have called in the last hour. 


You say, “Why did I even bother?”


…What do you do?


If this sounds familiar, what if I told you there was an option that didn’t rely on survival-mode parenting? 


You need a system, support, accountability, and a plan.


Join me LIVE to learn how to stop your HSC from melting down when you have to leave town.


If you're ready to break this down with clear, evidenced based playful strategies to create a system that has worked...

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Myth Busting: The truth about a Coping Skills Toolbox


A typical pattern we hear from parents working to help their child end the meltdown cycle is to focus on their child’s coping skills. 

When you’re in the middle of surviving this cycle you can get stuck in throwing things at the wall to see what sticks…

…So, here’s what the cycle looks like: your child has a meltdown.

You try to help them through it.

While they’re melting down, you’re teaching them to use a skill, and they refuse to use it in the moment…

So, you try to talk about it later…

…and when the next meltdown comes, your child refuses again, and you do it all over again… and again… and again… for all eternity… 

…it seriously feels like it will be, because when you feel this reactive, it’s jarring to think about how your child would ever stop their meltdown behavior.

When your child isn’t consistent with their coping skills it’s quite frustrating to...

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Your parenting approach matters more than your HSC's coping skills


Join me as I discuss why your parenting approach matters more than your child's coping skills "toolbox".

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