My Kid Was Fine Last Yearā€¦ Why is EVERYTHING Stressing Them Out Now?


You always think you’ve finally figured out what triggers a meltdown…

Until the sun rises again and a new issue comes with it.

It’s hard being a parent, we know this.

But it can almost feel like your kid is just being dramatic,

Or doing this on purpose to get attention. 

If these are thoughts YOU’VE had, you’re not alone.

And you’re not a bad parent either.

As an expert on the Highly Sensitive trait, I can tell you straight up that your kid is NOT doing this on purpose.

Children cannot manipulate their parents.

They don’t have the internal hardwiring in their brains to do so.

So, why does your kid HATE places and events they used to love?

Why do they throw a fit now or totally refuse, when they used to go willingly?

Watch this video to find out. 


For Highly Sensitive Teens: 

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Do the Meltdowns Make You Feel Like the Lockdown Will Never End?


When you feel like certain things are not possible for your family BECAUSE of meltdowns…

It feels isolating.

Most of us have lived through an actual lockdown. 

But when you limit your family or yourself from doing things because you feel like your kid can’t handle it...

It feels like it never really ended. 

And it feels like you’re doing something wrong when you’re just trying to protect your kid.

I get it. It’s exhausting for you to wait for the explosion when you try to do fun things.

Plus, your kid doesn’t want to have a bad time either. 

Tune in to learn why skipping the trips to the Lego Store is not the answer...

For Highly Sensitive Teens:  

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