Case of the Mondays Myth Busting


It’s like that song Manic Monday, except it sounds more like   “....Actually everyday is like this...And I don’t know why my kid is miserable!”   

When your child won’t wake up on time and the meltdown starts before they even open their eyes all the way, dread sits in the back of your throat while you sleep. You can't help but think:

"Tomorrow morning is going to be another s*** show."

Take our client Diana. After 3 years of dealing with major meltdowns, she was worried that her relationship with her HSC (3rd grade) would not survive into adulthood.

Watch LIVE while I bust some myths about meltdowns and what you need to focus on in 3 steps. (Spoiler: it’s not a sleep routine!)

For sensitive children:

For sensitive teens:

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