[Video] Are my child's meltdowns really that bad?


Many parents ask me... My child is having meltdowns... is it really that bad? Isn't that normal for kids?

How my 10+ years of expertise working with Highly Sensitive Children & their families and my personal family experiences impacts my opinion, and what that means for your family.

Watch this video to learn more! 

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Supporting Your HSC through Major Changes


As schools are temporarily closing to avoid spread of COVID-19, and child care arrangements are changing, many parents are reaching out now more than ever for support, especially if their HSC is struggling with big emotions.

Join me as I discuss key points in the opportunities that arise to support your child through unexpected fear.

Watch the video to learn more!

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How Fear and Love affects your Parenting


Avoid the vortex of negativity as the media and your newsfeed is freaking out with the coronavirus crisis. Focus on what you can control. 

Now more than ever, as your children are looking to you to see how they can respond to fear.

This video is a great one to come back to as we stay strong, guide ourselves, and focus on love as we lead our children to manage emotions from a place of love.

It starts with you as a parent.

Wise action comes from love, not fear. Not overthinking, not rumination, not spinning through your options in your brain a million times over until "this passes."

Because the truth is that if you don't step out of your own head, and into your heart, your worries actually become ALL you can think about.

And that certainly doesn't solve your problem, and help your HSC creatively learn how to solve theirs.

So if you see your HSC imploding (hiding, running away, struggling to communicate until you PULL it out of them harder than it took them to pop their baby teeth...

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What to do if your kid's therapist does not know about the Highly Sensitive Personality Trait


Join me as I discuss what to do if your kid's therapist does not know about the Highly Sensitive Personality Trait. 

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What Drives Sensitive Adults Towards Struggle


Why can’t my HSC be happy?

Is my HSC destined for struggle?

We know these are questions that spin through your head. You may have a relative that struggles and you can draw parallels with your child’s behavior. Or perhaps you yourself had a rough childhood and you’re busting your butt to be certain your HSC doesn’t struggle with intense emotions like you did.

In this video, I speak about why your child is struggling in relation to your parenting style. Not to shame you. To help you see what YOU can take action on immediately.

You cannot control how your child relates to the world. But you can for damn sure influence it to the point where your child CHANGES themselves.

Without doing that, your child is left on their own to figure out how to manage their emotions, because they ultimately feel misunderstood. It’s why they say you don’t get it. It’s why they don’t come to you before they have hit their limits, and why they don’t learn...

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How are YOU nourishing your childā€™s emotional diet?

Your child learns how to manage her feelings from you. If your HSC isn’t managing herself, naming her own emotions, or calming herself down, there is a missing link in how you are teaching & leading in your home, ESPECIALLY if daily meltdowns are happening in your home.

HSCs do not learn to generalize the skill of managing emotions from any other professional or environment but from their parent. 

Without daily focus on communicating emotions safely, and learning how to do this independently as a child, your HSC will learn to require others to make her feel better.

This means she will be a boat untethered in a storm as a teen. Wishing for her friends to tell her what to do, but worrying about how she will look if she asks them what to do.

...Wallowing in internal sorrow, and fearful of what others think. 

...Experiencing continued anxiety at best, debilitating depression at worst.

As a young adult she will turn from wishing for direction and emotional support to...

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself & Stop Anxiety-Related Behaviors for Your HSC


When your HSC is showing signs of atypical behavior, how do you know it’s related to their personality or to a mental health issue that should be addressed by a professional?

Parents often wonder what the difference is: anxiety that is treatable by a mental health disorder, and the Highly Sensitive Personality trait that has led to behavior problems that is more effectively addressed by a change in parenting?

Today I want to talk about what to do to prevent these behaviors from starting in the first place.

Because without the foundation, you won’t be able to tell what is more concerning, and how to decide how to seek professional guidance.

  1. When you’re parenting an HSC, it’s important to evaluate your environment: What routine do you have set up that supports your HSC for success? Are you requiring your child to suck it up and deal more often than supporting their intense emotions? 
  2. What are your expectations in parenting? Are you consistent with rules,...
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The #1 skill your HSC needs to learn ASAP


Watch this video to learn the #1 skill your Highly Sensitive Child needs to learn as soon as possible. 

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3 Biggest Validation Mistakes


Check out this video to learn the 3 Biggest Mistakes most parents make when Validating their HSC. 

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The Costs in Raising an HSC


Check out this video to learn about the three biggest costs in raising a Highly Sensitive Child. 

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