Are you a HSP?


Ever wonder if you’re a Highly Sensitive Person?

After coaching thousands of parents, many of whom discover they are Highly Sensitive after joining our signature parent coaching program, I dive deep on this topic on this week’s podcast.

This is one you do not want to miss!

Click here to learn more about Resilience Empowerment Institute:

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How Can I Help My Kid if They Keep Running Away from Me?

It’s true that you can only help people who WANT your help.

That includes your children.

This is a tough spot to be in, because not only do you want to help your child,

It’s literally your most important job on the planet.

It’s scary when you feel like you can’t help your kid.

It’s even scarier when they run away from you and you know they’re upset.

So when your kid shut you out or physically runs away from you,

What do you do first?

Find your kid… Then what?

Lecture them on the dangers of running away?

Yell at them in hopes that if they feel afraid, they won’t repeat the behavior?

Or walk on eggshells in case they do it again?

Chances are, you’ve tried all 3 things here, so I’m going to tell you what you HAVEN’T tried.

Here it is:

Eliminating the daily meltdown cycle all together.

And at MTC, you can do that in as little as 8 weeks.

First, I want to walk you through why your child is exhibiting this behavior.


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Rewriting Our Familyā€™s Story: Savannah & Alan


If it feels like your HSC is down in the dumps more than the average kid,

You’ll want to hear this.

You are not alone.

Our client Savannah knows exactly how that feels, and that feeling was HARD to work through.

Savannah’s story is common for parents who are stuck in the meltdown cycle.

She wanted to be a mom for such a long time,

And the fact that her child seemed melancholy SO often was disheartening.

She describes her HSC as feeling upset and on edge constantly,

Crying often,

And even stated that there was a lack of connection.

She felt like no matter how much her and Alan tried, 

They could not meet their HSC’s needs.

She also felt like she could not help her child in the midst of a meltdown.

And that was really discouraging.

In Savannah’s words, “I felt helpless. I was failing myself and my daughter.”

So how did this family break out of the meltdown cycle with MTC’s help?

Tune in to hear Savannah’s story.


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What happens if the meltdowns NEVER stop?


I send you a lot of emails about why ending the meltdown cycle is key to creating a better life for your family.

But rarely do I talk about how it could lead to a successful future for your child.

That is what I want to talk about today.

If you’ve been following me for a while, 

you may have seen my video, What is your HSC’s potential?

If not, you can watch it here: 


That’s where I discuss how the Highly Sensitive trait is a gift when you know how to use it.

Today let’s discuss what could happen if the meltdowns never stop.

Which sounds terrifying… because it is.

Tune in to hear how meltdowns play out for HSCs when they grow into adults… and potentially rob them of opportunities.


For Highly Sensitive Teens: 

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